
🇺🇦 Today, I gave 100 US$ to the just recently crowdfunding platform United24. I chose to donate to the defence and demining of Ukraine. This comes after giving 200 CAN$ in the first few weeks of the war. What did you do today? 🤔

#ukraine #war #donate


Some Facts About Engagement

💡 Interesting facts: about 5%-10% of visitors to my blogs will click on outbound links (links pointing to the stuff on the internet). Less than 1% will drop a comment on a blog post.

#blogging #musing #writer

Russia, GTFO of my blogs

🚫🇷🇺⛔If I could block any IP addresses from Russia from visiting my blogs, I would do it.

#ukraine #war

War Games

🇺🇦 It’s fascinating how the war in Ukraine makes me think about many video games. Let me explain. Looking at some Telegram channels feeding the results of attacks with anti-tank missiles or other means. You’ll find many short video clips with music and animation while a tank is destroyed. It makes things look like they aren’t real, only a game, which is far from the case for obvious reasons. Yet, there is the gamification of some aspects of what is filtering out of this ugly and devastating war. 😟

BTW, many tidbits flowing on Telegram are utterly disgusting. Is this the first war to feel so close to the action?

When the coalition attacked Iraq during the Gulf War, I remember people saying it was the first war to be televised. The war in Ukraine is probably the first one made public on social media.

#ukraine #war


Suddenly Missing Mikhail Gorbachev

This morning while reading the news, I suddenly remembered about Mikhail Gorbachev. He’s still alive, which I didn’t know. His birthday was March 2th. He’s 92. I vividly remember his presidency and what he brought to Russia and the world. One big and hard lesson we’re currently learning is that we cannot take anything for granted regarding democracy. Does he know what’s happening in Ukraine? What’s his take on all this shit? I would love to see him in an interview. He certainly wasn’t perfect, but Russia seemed to have a much more prevalent “human side” under his tenure. Under Putin, I just want to puke. 🤮

#ukraine #war #musing


On West Europe Surprising Weak Stance

🧐⁉️ It’s surprising to see European countries’ weak stance against Russia and the dire situation in Ukraine. I mean, world war II is not that far in history after all. Doesn’t Germany remember anything from fascism or Hitler? What about Austria? Their inaction speaks for themselves. I would have thought they would be more proactive in supporting Ukraine and trying to prevent another European war, if not another world war. What will it take to make them change their action cadence? 😮

About TAGS

🤨 Question of the day: are TAGS a sign of bad or weak content indexing in any computer-based systems? TAGS should be inferred, no?

#thinking #musing


The Price To Pay

“(…) And we’re likely going to see skyrocketing prices if we did put a complete ban on oil.” — US treasury secretary

Well, what is the price of thousands and thousands of people dying, tortured, raped? I can live with rising energy prices. For fuck sake, support the oil and coal embargo against Russia NOW! We cannot escape any impact of this war without some form of sacrifice.

#ukraine #war

On My (Lack of) Medium Readings

📖 This week, I received my revenues report from Medium for last year (for taxes purposes). I made less than 500 CAN$. It reminded me that I was a much more active publisher last year than now. My last publication on Medium was on February 12th.

This morning, I spent a few minutes on Medium. I can’t remember when was the last time I visited the homepage. I was curious about the web experience changes introduced since my last visit. Another reminder is that I don’t spend as much time on the platform as I used to.

I’m wondering if I should keep my Medium account. 🧐

#medium #reading #writing

Europe's Future

“…the fate of the whole Eastern and Central Europe and the Black Sea region is being decided on the territory of Ukraine. Therefore, to protect the freedom of Ukraine and Ukrainians is to guarantee the security of Europe.”.

Nothing more to add, your honour.

#ukraine #war

How Low Can They Go?

🇺🇦 What is it that Russia doesn’t like about life, love, freedom, everything that makes us humans? 😞

#ukraine #war #warcrimes

On Ukrainian's "Special Operation"

💥Today’s news about a possible attack by the Ukrainian army on Russia’s land is potentially game-changing in this war between Ukraine and Russia. A few thoughts.

First, Russia doesn’t have the exclusive right to use “Special Operation” when referring to war-related actions. Second and more seriously, Who did this? If indeed it is Ukraine, was it to test Russia’s defense? If so, Russian again failed miserably from a military perspective at protecting its territory as, surprisingly, helicopters didn’t face any shots from the ground. Is someone paying attention to the sky in Russia? Another point goes in the column of “weak army.” Mind blown. Or is it that Ukraine wants something else, drag deeper Russia into war and force the west to intervene? Is this scenario too twisted?

What if it is Russia? I wouldn’t be surprised at a deliberate act to help build even more momentum and justify what they are doing against Ukraine. This momentum will be needed when Russia returns on the east front once they finish regrouping and replenishing their units.

The next few hours will be interesting to watch. 📺

#ukraine #war


Already a Routine

🇺🇦 For more than a month now, Ukrainian has been fighting to defend themselves against the invaders. This is a watershed moment of history, happening just before our eyes. Sadly, we can already see the routine of war being in place. Emphasis on the events during the news bulletin is decreasing already. We are so easily bored. Unless there is a significant turn of events, we will move on to the next crisis. I’m so sorry for that. 😞

#ukraine #war

Keep The Pressure on Putin

🤨 As diplomatic talks progress, don’t be fooled by Russian words. The only viable solution is for them to leave what was known as “Ukraine before 2014”. Nothing less. We must keep pressure on Putin and our respective governments! Oh, and why do we feel so bad about recent Biden’s words about Putin? I mean, a lot of people are wishing for much more than simply “not stay in power”.

#ukraine #war #stopputin #resist

Killing Quality

🧐 Thought of the day: the narrative about having to publish on a regular basis to build an audience is killing content quality.

#musing #writing

Is the Wind Slowly Turning?

💪🏻 Stalled or retreating troops. Low morale. Decreasing attacks. High casualties and losts. Retaken cities by Ukrainian troops. Odessa and Kyiv free with minimal damages. I’m not a military expert or a military pundit, but these signs point to a turning point. Let me hope for even brighter days ahead. 🙏🏻✌🏻

#ukraine #war

Feeling More Optimistic

😀 After reading the news this morning on the situation of the war in Ukraine, I feel more upbeat than usual. It appears that Russian advances in recent days and hours are very limited, except in the sky, but they don’t have sky supremacy, yet. Far from it. Ukrainians are simply incredible at fencing one of the most powerful (well, that’s what we thought) armies in the world. 🇺🇦

It will take ages to recover from this mess, but meanwhile, I’ll take any ray of light in a heartbeat.

#ukraine #war #optimism

Discussing War Matters

🇺🇦🍽 I had this dinner yesterday night with some friends. The war in Ukraine subject came up. In fact, I brought it up, on purpose. As you might expect, I was adamant about our lack of support to the Ukrainian people. My point is that we must do much more even if we have to pay a price. I was emotional about it. Sure it made my friends feel uneasy. I cannot envision a discussion about Ukraine without being passionate and emotional. 😒🖤

#ukraine #war

Russia Isn't That Super Power

🤔 I’m not a military expert, far from it, but as we go further into this insane and highly criminal war, facts show there is something wrong with the Russian army. Highly exposed and long columns of standing still vehicles, attacking on way too many fronts at once, losing so many soldiers in such a short time frame, are good examples that show how amateurish the Russian army is. Russia isn’t a superpower, both military and economically. Rumours are to the effect that missiles inventories are at an all-time low. And I’m not even talking about troops’ morale. As much as 75% of the operational army of Russia is supposedly dedicated to the invasion of Ukraine. Only 25% of their active resources are left scattered across Russia. 🇷🇺🔫

Russia apparently is failing at their primary military objectives: occupy territory in a sustainable way and seize Ukraine’s leadership.

Now the question is: why are so scared of Russia?

#ukraine #war #russian



🇺🇦 While current negotiations between Russian criminals and Ukraine leaders are taking place, I sincerely hope that if ever a deal is signed between the two, the west will be the next to convince and deal with and the one who sets the conditions to undo, even in small steps, the pressure on Russia. They have to pay the price for decades to come. I’m so angry at them. Does it show? 😡

#ukraine #war
