Marking the Beginning of a New Trip

Date:	June 23, 2024 at 5:06:10 PM EDT
Weather:	24°C Drizzle
Location:	45.55°N, 73.57°W

This is the first journal entry for this new trip: I’m going to Croatia! It’s my first time there. I’m writing this in English because I will share it on my blog under the “Travels” category using the Day One export feature as a markdown file.

Testing Narrated Blog Post

Hi everyone. I might be late to the party, but I finally sat down for a few minutes to test’s new feature: narrated blog posts. It is strange because this is my first use and I cannot write a full review because as I’m writing this, my audio recording is still not done, and I don’t know how is the audio attachment and processing will actually work. It might be similar to when I post a new podcast episode. In any case, I think this is a clever addition to an already useful and enjoyable blogging service. Thanks to @Manton for this. Now, should I say, “have a great day and see you for another blog post?” Probably not.

This is a video from YouTube1.

@numericcitizen @mandaris I happen to have some time this weekend and a list of updates I've been wanting to push out. I do try to be responsive, and at least acknowledge any requests. Fixing my Github notifications helped with that. :)

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  1. Ex velit enim voluptate nostrud dolor qui do proident. Ex velit enim voluptate nostrud dolor qui do proident. ↩︎

This is a title

This is a test post.

Veniam amet anim ut ex officia magna occaecat mollit enim. Veniam adipisicing voluptate cillum veniam enim sit elit ad deserunt eu commodo nulla consectetur veniam et. Eu ex proident incididunt nostrud cupidatat esse ex irure labore. Et adipisicing anim do nostrud aliqua fugiat excepteur. Consequat eiusmod et ut cillum exercitation fugiat reprehenderit pariatur reprehenderit do pariatur aliqua ipsum exercitation velit. Commodo commodo consectetur aliquip ea dolore magna mollit esse duis et sit cillum ullamco. Qui aliquip id exercitation ea nostrud magna esse qui anim nostrud manga.

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Veniam amet anim ut ex officia magna occaecat mollit enim. Veniam adipisicing voluptate cillum veniam enim sit elit ad deserunt eu commodo nulla consectetur veniam et. Eu ex proident incididunt nostrud cupidatat esse ex irure labore. Et adipisicing anim do nostrud aliqua fugiat excepteur. Consequat eiusmod et ut cillum exercitation fugiat reprehenderit pariatur reprehenderit do pariatur aliqua ipsum exercitation velit. Commodo commodo consectetur aliquip ea dolore magna mollit esse duis et sit cillum ullamco. Qui aliquip id exercitation ea nostrud magna esse qui anim nostrud magna.

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Diverted Attention

With recent events in Israel, we no longer hear about the conflict in Ukraine. I understand this could pose a problem for this conflict because people’s attention is severely diverted. Support for Ukraine was already waning before the attacks in Israel. Military aid packages are harder to get. Any interruption in weapons could destroy any small advances by the Ukrainian army. There is no magic here, to fully reverse the dynamic in Ukraine, look no further than into Israel’s army reaction to the Hammas. The West needs to sharply increase their support, not the opposite, in order to kick the Russians out of Ukraine.

Another 9-11

Can we say that Israel just got their 9-11? It all seems they didn’t see that one coming… it’s such a familiar situation, but in a quite different context… even Israel’s reaction to these events is similar to the American’s back then… and you know what? I’m afraid of what is coming ahead.

This is a test footnote.1 Which one is better 2

  1. this is a test. ↩︎

  2. this one! ↩︎

Sorry But No Sympathy for Russian

From a lunar rover to a plane (probably, to be confirmed) carrying the head of the infamous Wagner group (plus a few of his “friends”), they all crash and burn in hell. I don’t care about the root causes, I have no sympathy at all for Russian failures. The more, the better. Eventually, some will wake up and make a revolution.


A Simple Message to NATO

The world is watching. Don’t waste your second chance.

#ukrainewar #nato

This is a link.

this is a long post

  • Do this
  • Do that

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  1. Step A
  2. Step B
  3. Step C


This is a title

This is another test blog post. Please ignore.

On Belgorod Events

What is going on there? Who are behind these actions? Where does the equipment come from? Will it last? Is the Ukrainian government behind these guys? How many are they? Will it make a difference in the grand scheme of things? How is it possible to cross a frontier like this so quickly without much resistance? Is anybody home?

So many questions and so few answers.

I’m following the news about this unexpected turn of events with great attention and hope. Now, if only they could go up 763 km north and get to Moscow!

#ukrainianwar #belgorod

Is NATO Prolonging War in Ukraine?

Found on Reddit:

NATO has always pandered to Putin, says former officer Samantha de Bendern. “If we’re gonna help Ukraine, we have to go in and help them with as much as we can as fast as we can. Drip feeding weapons is what’s prolonging the war

Indeed. I cannot see how, today, NATO could be more involved in the Ukrainian conflict. Politically it’s a big challenge to put boots on the ground.


What I Should Have Done Earlier

I’ve been following the war in Ukraine on a daily basis since the very beginning. It’s an enduring journey, to say the least. Imanyo much sad and ugly stories anaw so many images from this conflict. Some of them are powerful symbols of any war’s ugly side. What I should have done was to collect images so I can remember what Ukrainians went (and are still) going through. Historic moments are being played right before our eyes; we should pay attention as they will define the next decades of international relations.



Brazil's Stupid Suggestion to End Ukrainian War

As reported by The Kyiv Independent, Brazil’s proposal to get a peaceful resolution between Russia and Ukraine:

“Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva suggested that Ukraine should be open to the idea of giving up Crimea in exchange for peace with Russia.” — Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

Wow. That’s quite a suggestion. How can a sound man be so sure and trust Russia to bring peace by giving up a piece of land? Who do they think Putin’s Russia is? They already had Crimea, for god’s sake!!! It didn’t stop them from invading the rest of the country! Putin and Russia cannot be trusted, now and in the future. I find this proposal utterly irresponsible and lacking any sense of realism. What a clown.



The Trees of Death

These are the trees of death. This is what I call them. This scene was taken from a video in a combat zone near Bakmut. They all look the same, only the base trunk is standing, and the rest is pulverized with repetitive bombing and shelling. These skeletons of what used to be trees with thinner branches, leaves and life are now dead in a vegetal expression. It’s all gone now. it will take a generation or two before it comes back. So sad.

#ukrainewar #death


365 Days...

365 days of destruction.

365 days of murdering.

365 days of looting.

365 days of terror.

365 days of raping.

365 days of horror.

365 days of lies.

365 days of absolute nonsense because of one man’s ego.


#ukrainewar #ukraine

What Comes After Missiles and Fighter Jets?

I walked today with my dear wife and quickly chatted about the Ukraine war. My wife asked me a question I didn’t expect: what if western countries who had already sent armaments to Ukraine were sending soldiers with a promise not to attack Russia on their territory? Is this what should happen after sending fighter jets if we ever get there? I don’t recall Zelensky asking for boots on the ground. Will he eventually get there? How is this going to be perceived by the clowns in the Kremlin?


#ukraine #ukrainewar