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Jun 23, 2024: Marking the Beginning of a New Trip Date: June 23, 2024 at 5:06:10 PM EDT Weather: 24°C Drizzle Location: 45.55°N, 73.57°W This is the first journal entry for this new trip: I’m going …

Jun 2, 2024: Testing Narrated Blog Post Hi everyone. I might be late to the party, but I finally sat down for a few minutes to test’s new feature: narrated blog posts. It is …

Jan 28, 2024: This is a video from YouTube1. @numericcitizen @mandaris I happen to have some time this weekend and a list of updates I've been wanting to push …

Jan 27, 2024: This is a title This is a test post. Veniam amet anim ut ex officia magna occaecat mollit enim. Veniam adipisicing voluptate cillum veniam enim sit elit ad …

Oct 10, 2023: Diverted Attention With recent events in Israel, we no longer hear about the conflict in Ukraine. I understand this could pose a problem for this conflict because …

Oct 9, 2023: Another 9-11 Can we say that Israel just got their 9-11? It all seems they didn’t see that one coming… it’s such a familiar situation, but in a quite different …

Sep 11, 2023: This is a test footnote.1 Which one is better 2 this is a test. ↩︎ this one! ↩︎

Aug 23, 2023: Sorry But No Sympathy for Russian From a lunar rover to a plane (probably, to be confirmed) carrying the head of the infamous Wagner group (plus a few of his “friends”), they all crash …

Jul 11, 2023: A Simple Message to NATO The world is watching. Don’t waste your second chance. #ukrainewar #nato

Jun 3, 2023: This is a link.

Jun 3, 2023: this is a long post Do this Do that Quis sit nulla consectetur in veniam cupidatat esse officia. Quis sint minim minim culpa occaecat nulla excepteur. Sit dolor …

Jun 3, 2023: Apple.

Jun 3, 2023: This is a title This is another test blog post. Please ignore.

May 23, 2023: On Belgorod Events What is going on there? Who are behind these actions? Where does the equipment come from? Will it last? Is the Ukrainian government behind these guys? …

May 17, 2023: Is NATO Prolonging War in Ukraine? Found on Reddit: NATO has always pandered to Putin, says former officer Samantha de Bendern. “If we’re gonna help Ukraine, we have to go …

Apr 7, 2023: What I Should Have Done Earlier I’ve been following the war in Ukraine on a daily basis since the very beginning. It’s an enduring journey, to say the least. Imanyo much sad and ugly …

Apr 7, 2023: Brazil's Stupid Suggestion to End Ukrainian War As reported by The Kyiv Independent, Brazil’s proposal to get a peaceful resolution between Russia and Ukraine: “Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula …

Apr 6, 2023: The Trees of Death These are the trees of death. This is what I call them. This scene was taken from a video in a combat zone near Bakmut. They all look the same, only …

Feb 22, 2023: 365 Days... 365 days of destruction. 365 days of murdering. 365 days of looting. 365 days of terror. 365 days of raping. 365 days of horror. 365 days of lies. 365 …

Feb 19, 2023: What Comes After Missiles and Fighter Jets? I walked today with my dear wife and quickly chatted about the Ukraine war. My wife asked me a question I didn’t expect: what if western countries who …

Feb 7, 2023: No Olympic Games for Russians — Here's Why Should Russians be allowed to participate in the Olympic Games in Paris, France, next year? The question is out, and the debate is already raging. For …

Jan 25, 2023: Much More Than Tanks Will Be Needed

I’m super happy to see so many countries contributing to the war efforts. Kyiv has been asking for tanks for a long time. Finally, the last roadblock …

Jan 21, 2023: Genuine Questions About The War in Ukraine Here are a few questions that pop up in my mind when reading the news about the war in Ukraine. How do they estimate Russian casualties? They are …

Jan 20, 2023: The Write.freely Ecosystem Explained

The time has come for the return of a more open web. I’m embracing this movement by joining platforms or services that are built on open standards and …

Jan 14, 2023: Here's What I Would Do After Winning $1.35 Billion Jackpot

After I told my wife that the second-biggest jackpot had been won, she asked me what I would do with all that money. So here’s what I would do.

First, …

Dec 26, 2022: ⚙️ FYI — From to To my readers, I wanted to let you know that all my posts on are also cross-posted on my feed from where you can respond or …

Dec 26, 2022: 🇺🇦 Putin is Complaining Again Poor Putin, now he complains that Ukraine is sending drone on their military bases to destroy military assets and make it hard for planes to take off …

Dec 23, 2022: 🇺🇦 I Wish Them Happy Holidays But... We’re close to Christmas and getting closer to new years eve. I hope Ukrainians can get a small break during the holidays. News about increased …

Dec 22, 2022: Who Should Be Complaining Again? 🇺🇦Russian’s top brass are complaining that Zelensky and Biden didn’t have a single word about Russian’s demands and their “quest for peace”. Ukrainian …

Oct 10, 2022: Russian's Strategy — Possible Response 🇺🇦It is becoming clear that Russians are angry about the near collapse of their army in south and east Ukraine. The strategy now seems to bomb all …

Sep 21, 2022: Putin, the loser 🇺🇦 Putin is showing signs of being a loser (as if it wasn’t clear yet), because he is losing, slowly but surely. Sure we’d like things to happen …

Sep 13, 2022: Feeling So Happy... 🇺🇦 What is happening right now in Ukraine is nothing but encouraging! I was waiting for this to happen the day we started to help Ukraine. Now it …

Aug 10, 2022: War zone, danger zone 🇺🇦 I’m going to Italy in the next few days, and I realize this will put me at the closest point to a war zone I have ever been to. It’s still far from …

Aug 7, 2022: Light at the End of the Tunnel? 🇺🇦 It’s been a long time since I posted something here. This morning, an article from the Kyiv Independent brought me into a cheerful mood regarding …

Jun 27, 2022: How Much is Too Much? 🇺🇦 When reading about the war raging in Ukraine, there is so much to read, see and… digest. As it has become the focus of my attention from a news …

Jun 24, 2022: Sievierodonetsk down. Sad day. Again. 🇺🇦 I feel sad for Ukraine which has been fighting hell for so long and having to retreat from Sievierodonetsk. It’s probably the best decision from a …

Jun 19, 2022: A More Healthy Attitude Dear (few readers), in case you were wondering, I’m still staying informed about the war in Ukraine. Over the weeks, I’ve taken a more distanced view …

Jun 6, 2022: 100 days Time flies. It’s been already 100 days since the beginning of the criminal declaration of war on the west by Putin and his team of criminals. One …

May 26, 2022: Appeasing Russia, Are You Kidding Me? After more than 90 days of this nonsense, this criminal invasion by the Russian, are we starting to hear voices that ask for some appeasement toward …

May 20, 2022: A Typical Friday Morning If you’re curious about my Friday morning routine. There you have it. #writer #meta Discuss…

May 19, 2022: On Being Able to Choose The ability to choose the tools you use in your job make a big difference. It’s true for surgeons who select the best tools for each task, sometimes …

May 12, 2022: Don't Call Them Soldiers Each time I get news from the war in Ukraine and I read or hear the expression “Russian soldiers,” I want to puke. These guys aren’t soldiers; they …

May 11, 2022: Ask Me Something Friday is coming. Fast. Each Friday, I publish a new edition of the Friday Notes Series. As I’m writing this, I don’t have a subject for this week’s …

May 9, 2022: Smoke & Mirrors If I summarize what we saw today from Moscow, it was a smoke & mirrors show. Even the Putin’s speach was a let down, and felt uninspired. He used …

May 6, 2022: I Should Read More Books 📚 Today, after opening Apple Books on my Mac, I concluded that I’m not reading enough books. Why is it so hard for me to sit down regularly and read a …

May 5, 2022: Giving 🇺🇦 Today, I gave 100 US$ to the just recently crowdfunding platform United24. I chose to donate to the defence and demining of Ukraine. This comes …

May 3, 2022: Some Facts About Engagement 💡 Interesting facts: about 5%-10% of visitors to my blogs will click on outbound links (links pointing to the stuff on the internet). Less than 1% …

Apr 23, 2022: Russia, GTFO of my blogs 🚫🇷🇺⛔If I could block any IP addresses from Russia from visiting my blogs, I would do it. #ukraine #war

Apr 22, 2022: War Games 🇺🇦 It’s fascinating how the war in Ukraine makes me think about many video games. Let me explain. Looking at some Telegram channels feeding the …

Apr 8, 2022: Suddenly Missing Mikhail Gorbachev This morning while reading the news, I suddenly remembered about Mikhail Gorbachev. He’s still alive, which I didn’t know. His birthday was March 2th. …

Apr 7, 2022: On West Europe Surprising Weak Stance 🧐⁉️ It’s surprising to see European countries’ weak stance against Russia and the dire situation in Ukraine. I mean, world war II is not that far in …

Apr 6, 2022: About TAGS 🤨 Question of the day: are TAGS a sign of bad or weak content indexing in any computer-based systems? TAGS should be inferred, no? #thinking #musing …

Apr 6, 2022: The Price To Pay “(…) And we’re likely going to see skyrocketing prices if we did put a complete ban on oil.” — US treasury secretary Well, what is the …

Apr 6, 2022: On My (Lack of) Medium Readings 📖 This week, I received my revenues report from Medium for last year (for taxes purposes). I made less than 500 CAN$. It reminded me that I was a much …

Apr 4, 2022: Europe's Future “…the fate of the whole Eastern and Central Europe and the Black Sea region is being decided on the territory of Ukraine. Therefore, to protect the …

Apr 3, 2022: How Low Can They Go? 🇺🇦 What is it that Russia doesn’t like about life, love, freedom, everything that makes us humans? 😞 #ukraine #war #warcrimes

Apr 1, 2022: On Ukrainian's "Special Operation" 💥Today’s news about a possible attack by the Ukrainian army on Russia’s land is potentially game-changing in this war between Ukraine and Russia. A …

Apr 1, 2022: Already a Routine 🇺🇦 For more than a month now, Ukrainian has been fighting to defend themselves against the invaders. This is a watershed moment of history, happening …

Mar 29, 2022: Keep The Pressure on Putin 🤨 As diplomatic talks progress, don’t be fooled by Russian words. The only viable solution is for them to leave what was known as “Ukraine before …

Mar 24, 2022: Killing Quality 🧐 Thought of the day: the narrative about having to publish on a regular basis to build an audience is killing content quality. #musing #writing

Mar 23, 2022: Is the Wind Slowly Turning? 💪🏻 Stalled or retreating troops. Low morale. Decreasing attacks. High casualties and losts. Retaken cities by Ukrainian troops. Odessa and Kyiv free …

Mar 22, 2022: Feeling More Optimistic 😀 After reading the news this morning on the situation of the war in Ukraine, I feel more upbeat than usual. It appears that Russian advances in …

Mar 19, 2022: Discussing War Matters 🇺🇦🍽 I had this dinner yesterday night with some friends. The war in Ukraine subject came up. In fact, I brought it up, on purpose. As you might …

Mar 18, 2022: Russia Isn't That Super Power 🤔 I’m not a military expert, far from it, but as we go further into this insane and highly criminal war, facts show there is something wrong with the …

Mar 16, 2022: Negociating 🇺🇦 While current negotiations between Russian criminals and Ukraine leaders are taking place, I sincerely hope that if ever a deal is signed between …

Mar 12, 2022: Back to Telegram 📧 I decided to return to Telegram to get the news about the war in Ukraine. It’s fast. Simple. I subscribe to a few groups. We do see things in there …

Mar 11, 2022: Putin = Hitler 😡 Let’s face it. Vladimir Putin has no morale. He’s a criminal. His only goal in life is war. He doesn’t care about his people. He only cares about …

Mar 6, 2022: Diverting My Attention to Survive 🗓️ The title may be a bit “clickbait-ish”, but it is what it is. Again, my creativity (writing, musing, photography) is taking me off the compulsive …

Mar 6, 2022: Path to the WWIII ‼️ 🇷🇺 Current events around the world, triggered by the criminal invasion of Ukraine, are setting the stage for WWIII. I cannot see how this conflict …

Mar 3, 2022: Duties of Russians Living Abroad ➡️ 🇷🇺 If people living in Russia don’t have access to objective news, only to state-controlled propaganda, then I would argue that Russians living …

Mar 2, 2022: Morning Routines in War Time 🇺🇦 Each morning, I open my laptop go to some news websites to get the latest news from the war in Ukraine. I expect the worst all the time. It looks …

Mar 1, 2022: The Real Nature of Putin as an Army Leader 🇺🇦 By not telling his own Russian troops in Belarus what the training and military exercises were all about (invade Ukraine), you can see the real …

Mar 1, 2022: The Apparent Weakness of Democracy 🇺🇦 Compared to the aggressors, the invaders and the criminals (Russian leadership and Russian’s army), democracy is slow to react. We need discussions …

Mar 1, 2022: NATO's Response is Too Weak 🇺🇦 As I keep watching the unbearable news from Europe, from Ukraine, something is becoming clearer by the day: NATO is failing its mission of …

Feb 28, 2022: Ukraine — Some of My News Sources 🗞️ I thought that I could share the news sources that I consume to stay in touch with current events in Ukraine. First, I’m following The Telegraph …

Feb 27, 2022: Media Consumption Frenzy 🇺🇦 Current events in Ukraine are triggering a media consumption frenzy in me that resembles the one that came after the 9/11 attacks. If similarities …

Feb 27, 2022: Marks Left From Two Years of COVID-19 ⌛ If I look at myself these days, I find that I’m less willing to go out for a quick getaway outside the city than I used to be. In the last two …

Feb 27, 2022: All My Idols are Dead 😢 What do you think they have in common? Creativity. Man, I miss all of them. They are so different from each other. Three in music, one in …

Feb 26, 2022: The Online Streaming of War 📺 With current events happening in Ukraine, with the help of smartphones and the internet, dramatic events like these are streaming with a constant …

Feb 25, 2022: And Suddenly, No More COVID 🦠 It is fascinating to see all media switch from one crisis to another, on a dime. A few days ago, COVID took the majority of air time. Now, no more, …

Feb 24, 2022: Ukraine, I Can't Believe It 🇺🇦 The news of this criminal invasion of a democratic and independent country like Ukraine by Putin and his army is appalling, troubling and brings an …

Feb 21, 2022: Am I Making a Difference? 🏢 As my workday is coming to an end, I have a few questions in my mind. The same questions pop up when I take short walks during the day, so I can …

Feb 21, 2022: Quitting Facebook but Staying in Touch

👉🏻 I posted a farewell letter on my Facebook wall before making it inactive for a while. But here is another one that I wish I would have seen before …

Feb 20, 2022: Slowing Our Life I like this idea of consciously slowing our life by making choices like the ones exposed in this article “Putting on some wait”. In a …

Feb 19, 2022: Floating in My Head While... 💬 Music is playing in my AirPods. I’m not sure that I made the right music choice. What am I gonna do next? Should I finish working on that article …

Feb 19, 2022: I'm Soooo Productive 😌 With silence, a coffee, alone, early in the day, full of ideas and feeling creative, it’s the time when I’m the most creatively productive. I wish I …

Feb 18, 2022: Winter's Worst Part ❄️ Right in the middle of February, another snowstorm hit the city. February always felt like the worst part of winter for me. It feels like we’ve …

Feb 17, 2022: My Source of Dopamine 🧠 It is well documented that social networks are a great source of dopamine. Likes, retweets, etc., all contribute to providing the much-needed boost …

Feb 16, 2022: Now Discovering 🤦🏻‍♂️ Today, I just found out how to use for commenting on a writer’s post. On the same occasion, I found out that many people were replying …

Feb 16, 2022: Reminder of Substack to Ghost 🤨 Even though I moved my newsletter home a few months ago from Substack to Ghost, as explained here, people are still subscribing to the newsletter on …

Feb 16, 2022: About ME 👨🏻‍💻 I think it’s important that you know a bit about who’s behind this continuous musing feed. So, here you go. Dear visitor, welcome to my …

Feb 16, 2022: People No Longer Read Apparently 📚 While looking around me and paying attention to the generation that follows, I see most people on their screen looking at videos (Instagram, TikTok, …

Feb 15, 2022: Maybe I'm Thinking Way Too Much 🤔 When thinking about my newsletter subscribers, I often think about them as being people attending a class or a presentation: each newsletter being …

Feb 15, 2022: Musing About the Typical Blog Post 📝 As I gain acquaintance with, a typical blog post content and format is settling in. Each blog post has to be short (less than 400-500 …

Feb 15, 2022: Musing About External Links 🔗 When I write articles or blog posts, like this one or this one, I’m trying as much as possible to include external links. For link posts, it’s …

Feb 14, 2022: Learning as I 🧠 Every day, I learn a few new things about Today it’s about using tags and the reader mode. I went back in time to add those to most of my …

Feb 13, 2022: Content Expiration Date Today, I deleted 54 blog posts from my blog at This blog is where it all started for me, in 2018. Unfortunately, most of …

Feb 13, 2022: On Content Portability 🚀 A message to content creators out there: be wary of content portability when selecting a writing platform. It’s not that easy to move things …

Feb 12, 2022: Digital Citizen 🤨 I wish I could have used Digital Citizen instead of Numeric Citizen as my pen name. Digital > Numeric in English, from the word meaning …

Feb 12, 2022: Voluntary Simplicity Minimalistic. Scarce. Effective. Bare. Imperfect but perfect for the task. Trustworthy. Simple. Modern. Open. Frictionless. Unobtrusive. …

Feb 12, 2022: Peeking at AirDrop in the Coffee Shop ☕️ Going to the coffee shop today after six weeks of sanitary restrictions. Those were lifted recently, at long last. After setting up my MacBook Air, …

Feb 12, 2022: An Unexpected Side of the Pandemic The pandemic gave me more time and opportunities to create, write and publish. I don’t want to lose these when it’s all over. My creativity-related …

Feb 11, 2022: Feeling the COVID-19 Fatigue 😒 We’re approaching two years of this COVID-19 pandemic. We’re entering a phase where people no longer feel the need to care about COVID-19. I feel …

Feb 11, 2022: Engage 👉🏻 If there is something that I have learned in recent months is this: the more you engage with a community, the better and the most rewarding it is. …

Feb 11, 2022: The Inspiration Killer I’m sad that I’m rarely doing photography these days… the pandemic and COVID-19 killed my inspiration. #covid19 #photography #creativity

Feb 11, 2022: Bonus Content I like the idea of selectively cross-posting some of the posts here to Twitter or Ghost, but not that many. Each cross-posting is some sort of blips …

Feb 11, 2022: TGIF Time flies; I didn’t see the week. Where did it go? On the eves of the weekend, I’m thinking about possible subjects for participation in the …

Feb 10, 2022: I'm in perpetual experimentation mode I’m still thinking about the possibility of subscribing to this service. I’m trying to find a specific use case for it. Even though I …

Feb 9, 2022: What am I doing here? Here I am, on What am I doing here? Am I going to subscribe to this service? Do I really need it? being linked with …

Feb 9, 2022: Only 3$ a Month I’m getting ready to pull the trigger on For a mere 3$ a month, it won’t be an expensive experience. I think I can do it without …

Mar 23, 2021: Testing Cypress MB Theme This is a long post for testing Cypress new theme. I don’t have a lot to say for a test post like this but I have to write a lot of text so I …

Feb 9, 2021: Welcome to your test blog! You can create new posts here to test theme and design changes.

Feb 21, 2020: Introducing my Blogger Workflow — 2020-02 If you are a blogger like me, you may find it interesting to learn about what tools other bloggers are using. If you are not (yet) a blogger, you’ll …