Here are a few questions that pop up in my mind when reading the news about the war in Ukraine.

  1. How do they estimate Russian casualties? They are around 500-800 KIA per day. That’s a lot. Is this number inflated for propaganda purposes?

  2. Why is Putin not saying, “Any country sending arms to help Ukraine is, in fact, a declaration of war against Russia”? What would be the implications of such a declaration? Putin looks like a low-profile leader. So why is Putin not more vocal against the west?

  3. Why is the west not sending military aid to Modlova to put pressure on the 1200 Russian soldiers in Transnistria? How is this possible for Russia to feed them with the required resources?

  4. Why are tanks so much needed as opposed to other types of weapons? Are fighter planes effective? What is the aviation role in Ukraine? Are they making a difference?

  5. How many Ukrainian soldiers are killed each day? Why don’t we get these numbers as much as the Russian KIA?

So many unanswered questions.


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