Bonus Content

I like the idea of selectively cross-posting some of the posts here to Twitter or Ghost, but not that many. Each cross-posting is some sort of blips or advertisement on the web. People who pay attention or are simply curious in nature hitting the source link will be in for a treat. Unpublicized posts would act like bonus content for the reader to discover.



Time flies; I didn’t see the week. Where did it go? On the eves of the weekend, I’m thinking about possible subjects for participation in the conference, this coming March. The one topic that seems to stick as I’m writing this: coffee shops and creative work.


I'm in perpetual experimentation mode

I’m still thinking about the possibility of subscribing to this service. I’m trying to find a specific use case for it. Even though I might not find one, I could consider my subscription as a vote for the service’s mission. It would be a sign of appreciation. Three dollars a month for five years is less than many of the much-less valuable services that I’m already subscribing to. Six days left for the promotion.

I got my inspiration from this post.

This post will be cross-posted to

What am I doing here?

Here I am, on What am I doing here? Am I going to subscribe to this service? Do I really need it? being linked with @Apple_Observer, Typefully being linked to Apple_Observer, could be behind @NumericCitizen. I could use it for my Numeric Citizen Twitter account and cross-post to Ghost? It probably doesn’t matter much if there is no native application for

I’m still thinking about it. Wishing for a final call before the end of the five-year subscription deal, ending this coming Feb. 16th.

This was my very first post on

Only 3$ a Month

I’m getting ready to pull the trigger on For a mere 3$ a month, it won’t be an expensive experience. I think I can do it without going bankrupt. 👨🏻‍💻