I'm Soooo Productive

😌 With silence, a coffee, alone, early in the day, full of ideas and feeling creative, it’s the time when I’m the most creatively productive. I wish I could stretch out these moments.☕️

What’s your best creativity moment?

#morning #creativity


Winter's Worst Part

A wintery visual musing during a snowstorm.A wintery visual musing during a snowstorm.

❄️ Right in the middle of February, another snowstorm hit the city. February always felt like the worst part of winter for me. It feels like we’ve been in winter forever. Spring still feels far, and December seems like yesterday. The only good part is that daylight increases steadily, and it’s a short month. Oh, TGIF! 🌨

#winter #TGIF

My Source of Dopamine

🧠 It is well documented that social networks are a great source of dopamine. Likes, retweets, etc., all contribute to providing the much-needed boost that we, as humans, are in constant need of. I’m ok with that. You might think that I’m no different. You are partly right. But, as a writer, I also get my dopamine when I hit publish. That’s the one source that I’m trying to prioritize. Not always easy. 💉

#musing #socialnetworks


Now Discovering Remark.as

🤦🏻‍♂️ Today, I just found out how to use Remark.as for commenting on a writer’s post. On the same occasion, I found out that many people were replying to my posts. I didn’t get notified by this, and I’m unsure how to enable this. 😳

I wanted to let you know that I read them all and thank you in advance for your comments and remarks. I’m highly appreciative of that. 🙏🏻😊



Reminder of Substack to Ghost

🤨 Even though I moved my newsletter home a few months ago from Substack to Ghost, as explained here, people are still subscribing to the newsletter on Substack. I’m happy to welcome new subscribers, but I need to register them on my Ghost instance manually. What else could I do? 💡Update my signup newsletter telling them about the new place! ⚠️

#newsletter #bloggerlife

About ME

👨🏻‍💻 I think it’s important that you know a bit about who’s behind this continuous musing feed. So, here you go.

Dear visitor, welcome to my write.as blog. My real name is JF Martin, but I prefer to be called Numeric Citizen in cyberspace. This is my pen name (learn why I’m using this name). I’m an IT (Information Technologies) professional since the early nineties. I’m 55, I’m probably getting old, I know. I have many hobbies, but writing is the one that’s taking up much of my spare time. I spend about twenty hours a week on writing and publishing (fully documented here). Why? Get the answer in “I read, I learn, I write, I Share”. As explained in this post, I write about my passions which are revolving around Apple, photography, privacy protection and climate change. You’ll find plenty of stuff on these subjects in my digital garden (⚠️ warning: it’s a rabbit hole 🐇).

As you can see, I have more than enough interests to trigger my inspiration. So much so that they are the source of my monthly newsletter.

You can find more information about me here. Get to know all my sites with Linktr.ee. (think of this as some sort of visitors card)!

That’s about it! 😳😅

Last updated: 2023-04-26.

#aboutme #meta #announcement

People No Longer Read Apparently

📚 While looking around me and paying attention to the generation that follows, I see most people on their screen looking at videos (Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube, etc.). I rarely see someone reading on their screen, even less a book. I find it troubling in a few ways. First, I think people are becoming lazy about getting new knowledge and culture. Second, it’s harder to read than watching videos. Third, attention span has never been this short in the younger generation.

When I write an article with an average read time of more than four or five minutes, I know before hitting the publish button that very few people will read it. Those who do are probably older people. I might be wrong. I hope. 😒

Do you feel the same way?

#reading #writing #musing


Maybe I'm Thinking Way Too Much

🤔 When thinking about my newsletter subscribers, I often think about them as being people attending a class or a presentation: each newsletter being some sort of a presentation. According to my recent analytics, 45% of my subscribers read the newsletter. If I continue with the class or presentation analogy, this means more than half of the people who show up don’t even bother listening to what’s I’m saying. 🤨😔

Some writers prefer newsletters instead of having a blog, thinking they have a more personal relationship with their readers by sending them an email. Allow me to think differently. 🤔

#newsletter #blogger #bloggerlife #musing

Musing About the Typical Blog Post

📝 As I gain acquaintance with write.as, a typical blog post content and format is settling in. Each blog post has to be short (less than 400-500 characters), contain highlighted words for improved readability, include tags at the end, a few emojis and optionally a “Discuss” link to invite the user to comment. Each of these posts should require less than 10 minutes to write and publish. 🏷

#blogging #writing #blog #tips

Musing About External Links

🔗 When I write articles or blog posts, like this one or this one, I’m trying as much as possible to include external links. For link posts, it’s obviously mandatory for citing the source and the context. For other types of content, external links might guide the reader to read complementary content. Whatever the reason, adding external links can be time-consuming. My experience (and analytics) show that less than 10% of the visitors will click on them. I wonder if the time it takes to include these links is worth it. Do you visit external links when reading an article or do you find it distracting to do so? 🧐

#blogger #writer #musing


Learning as I write.as...

🧠 Every day, I learn a few new things about write.as. Today it’s about using tags and the reader mode. I went back in time to add those to most of my past posts. They are helpful, for the reader and for me the writer.☝🏻

#tools #writeas

Content Expiration Date

Today, I deleted 54 blog posts from my blog at https://numericcitizen.me. This blog is where it all started for me, in 2018. Unfortunately, most of these posts were of very low value or simply outdated. This brings me to the question of content value on the internet; things move fast, value often declines quickly. It’s the case for my content anyway.

#blogging #writing

On Content Portability

🚀 A message to content creators out there: be wary of content portability when selecting a writing platform. It’s not that easy to move things around. There are always issues of all sorts that can make your experience miserable and time-consuming. ⚙️

#tools #platform #cms

Digital Citizen

🤨 I wish I could have used Digital Citizen instead of Numeric Citizen as my pen name. Digital > Numeric in English, from the word meaning perspective and the idea of being a citizen of the digital world. Oh well. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Voluntary Simplicity

Minimalistic. Scarce. Effective. Bare. Imperfect but perfect for the task. Trustworthy. Simple. Modern. Open. Frictionless. Unobtrusive. Distraction-free. Focused. Cheap. That’s write.as.


Peeking at AirDrop in the Coffee Shop

☕️ Going to the coffee shop today after six weeks of sanitary restrictions. Those were lifted recently, at long last. After setting up my MacBook Air, I open up AirDrop in the Finder to see who’s there. Naturally, I don’t know anyone from the list of available devices. It’s just for fun. Available devices vary a lot for each visit. Today was a great crop. 👨🏻‍💻😜


An Unexpected Side of the Pandemic

The pandemic gave me more time and opportunities to create, write and publish. I don’t want to lose these when it’s all over. My creativity-related activities helped me go through all of this.

#covid19 #creativity

Feeling the COVID-19 Fatigue

😒 We’re approaching two years of this COVID-19 pandemic. We’re entering a phase where people no longer feel the need to care about COVID-19. I feel that way. I don’t care anymore. I don’t feel guilty about it. When I look at the news, more and more signs of people being fed up are popping up. Our collective energy is now directed at saying out loud how we’re tired of all this instead of making concessions about our liberties to fight some invisible virus. I certainly hope that no other major variant will come to life, requiring another six months of confinement, sanitary rules, and de-confinement. But, unfortunately, I am afraid people are going to resist this time. 😔




👉🏻 If there is something that I have learned in recent months is this: the more you engage with a community, the better and the most rewarding it is. Most of the time. 👀


The Inspiration Killer

I’m sad that I’m rarely doing photography these days… the pandemic and COVID-19 killed my inspiration.

#covid19 #photography #creativity