Back to Telegram

📧 I decided to return to Telegram to get the news about the war in Ukraine. It’s fast. Simple. I subscribe to a few groups. We do see things in there that is not available on other news feed. I prefer Telegram to Twitter for that type of stuff. Some content is shocking for sure. But was is. Call me a masochist. 😞

#ukraine #war #news

Putin = Hitler

😡 Let’s face it. Vladimir Putin has no morale. He’s a criminal. His only goal in life is war. He doesn’t care about his people. He only cares about himself. He wants to make Russia “great again” but not for his people, for himself. After Ukraine, he will look around and select his next target. And invade. Eventually, he will make a mistake. Either he will pay for it, or we will all pay for it. Mark my words.

#ukraine #war


Diverting My Attention to Survive

🗓️ The title may be a bit “clickbait-ish”, but it is what it is. Again, my creativity (writing, musing, photography) is taking me off the compulsive consumption of news about the war in Ukraine. In a way, my creativity is helping me survive and stay sane. How do you stay sane?

#musing #ukraine #war


Path to the WWIII

‼️ 🇷🇺 Current events around the world, triggered by the criminal invasion of Ukraine, are setting the stage for WWIII. I cannot see how this conflict can continue without forcing more countries to get militarily involved. It could be anything involving another country’s reaction to help before Putin thinks it is an act of war. This criminal is just patiently waiting for it.

The longer the war continues, the more apparent it is to me: we’re not ready to admit it yet, but we are clearly on the path to the next world war in Europe.

#ukraine #war


Duties of Russians Living Abroad

➡️ 🇷🇺 If people living in Russia don’t have access to objective news, only to state-controlled propaganda, then I would argue that Russians living abroad have a responsibility to tell the truth from the outside. They are being complicit in what is going on right now by not doing so. To them, I would say: talk to your friends, family, or relatives inside Russia about what is going on. Tell the truth and ask them to regroup and organize demonstrations. NOW‼️

#ukraine #war

Morning Routines in War Time

🇺🇦 Each morning, I open my laptop go to some news websites to get the latest news from the war in Ukraine. I expect the worst all the time. It looks like, between some good news for the Ukrainians, the fundamentals are bleak. The aggressors, the Russians, are making progress towards their goals of crushing the country. My morning routine, while being tainted by sadness and sorrow, it’s nothing compared to the people’s routine in Ukraine, obviously: fear, sadness, abandonment, distress. 😢📰

#ukraine #war

The Real Nature of Putin as an Army Leader

🇺🇦 By not telling his own Russian troops in Belarus what the training and military exercises were all about (invade Ukraine), you can see the real nature of Putin. We didn’t need this proof, but here you go.

#ukraine #war

The Apparent Weakness of Democracy

🇺🇦 Compared to the aggressors, the invaders and the criminals (Russian leadership and Russian’s army), democracy is slow to react. We need discussions between partners and allies. We look for consensus, it takes time. Meanwhile, the enemy is progressing. The whole process makes us look weak and undetermined. ☮️

#democracy #ukraine


NATO's Response is Too Weak

🇺🇦 As I keep watching the unbearable news from Europe, from Ukraine, something is becoming clearer by the day: NATO is failing its mission of defending Europe’s integrity. NATO must step up its response and fast. We are losing precious time. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to restore any form of democracy in Ukraine after Russian wins. It breaks my heart that we need to endure these historic and horrific moments. After two years of fighting against COVID-19, I find it hard to swallow. 💔

Ukraine — Some of My News Sources

🗞️ I thought that I could share the news sources that I consume to stay in touch with current events in Ukraine. First, I’m following The Telegraph World News section. In particular, I keep this live webpage open all the time containing a constant news feed. Second, I’m using the BBC News World section, again referring to their live updating web page. Third, I use a Twitter list to get more up-to-the-minute updates. 🇺🇦

#ukraine #news

Media Consumption Frenzy

🇺🇦 Current events in Ukraine are triggering a media consumption frenzy in me that resembles the one that came after the 9/11 attacks. If similarities are to continue, fear is going to be next to invite itself into my life. 😨

#ukraine #media

Marks Left From Two Years of COVID-19

⌛ If I look at myself these days, I find that I’m less willing to go out for a quick getaway outside the city than I used to be. In the last two years, repetitive confinements and strict sanitary rules certainly left their marks on me. I hope time will bring back my willingness to open myself for opportunities and take advantage of them when they present themselves. Today was such a day of “taking advantage” of opportunities: seeing my sister, going out for a walk on a commercial strip in the afternoon. This made me happy. 😀


All My Idols are Dead

😢 What do you think they have in common? Creativity. Man, I miss all of them. They are so different from each other. Three in music, one in technology. I often ask myself: what if they were still alive, what would be their next gift to us? From who do you find inspiration?

#musings #creativity


The Online Streaming of War

📺 With current events happening in Ukraine, with the help of smartphones and the internet, dramatic events like these are streaming with a constant flow. My attention is diverted like a plane from its programmed destination. It’s really hard to stay focused on my writing projects. I have so many. 🇺🇦

And Suddenly, No More COVID

🦠 It is fascinating to see all media switch from one crisis to another, on a dime. A few days ago, COVID took the majority of air time. Now, no more, it’s the crisis in Ukraine. It’s as if COVID had vanished from the surface of the earth, just like that. Just a simple observation. 🇺🇦

Ukraine, I Can't Believe It

🇺🇦 The news of this criminal invasion of a democratic and independent country like Ukraine by Putin and his army is appalling, troubling and brings an uncertain future for Europe and the world. We’re in 2022 and we still have to deal with criminal leaders like Putin. How should we react to this? Cancel any international sports events or competition in Russia, block Russians from participating in any sports events around the world, remove any medals won from the last Olympic, turn off ll the pipeline leading to Russia, freeze Russian banks assets, etc.✌🏻🕊️☮️

#ukraine #worldwarIII #putin

Am I Making a Difference?

🏢 As my workday is coming to an end, I have a few questions in my mind. The same questions pop up when I take short walks during the day, so I can step back for a few moments and reflect on my current day.

Did I do my best today? Did I help my colleagues to achieve their goals? Did It make a difference? Am I always actively listening? Did I add value to the process? Am I the best one to do this job today, right now? Did I start the right discussion, ask the right questions? Were my answers ok? Complete? 🙇🏻

So many questions.

#work #musings #workday #purpose

Quitting Facebook but Staying in Touch

👉🏻 I posted a farewell letter on my Facebook wall before making it inactive for a while. But here is another one that I wish I would have seen before writing mine: “Goodbye Facebook”. There are a few really good ideas that I should have used myself. One is to set up an email newsletter so my friends could get some news from me and from which we could interact. Too bad I didn’t think about it. Is it too late? How many of my friends would take the time to get in touch with me and me about my life, what am I up to? Probably not that many.🤨

#musings #facebook #socialnetworks

Slowing Our Life

I like this idea of consciously slowing our life by making choices like the ones exposed in this article “Putting on some wait”.

In a world where everyone seems to be super busy all the time, bumping into more moments with nothing to do seems like a real discovery.

Think about it the next time you are waiting in line for something. I will.

#musing #life

Floating in My Head While...

💬 Music is playing in my AirPods. I’m not sure that I made the right music choice. What am I gonna do next? Should I finish working on that article that is taking way too much of my time? I should configure the Raycast utility on my MacBook Air, downloaded earlier this week; it looks so useful. Is this vacuum cleaner doing its job or what? These are the thoughts floating in my head while cleaning up the house today. 🧼
